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Benedict Fogwell

More Level Select Tooling

Continued work on the level select screen. If you look closely you can see some numbers that label each end of some of the connections.

I also lost ~1 hour to computer issues due to graphics driver compatability problems.

Time Spent: 2 hours.

I descided to include time lost to computer issues in the "Time Spent" above, as I was at least attempting to do game work.

Todo: #

  1. Store when levels are completed by players
  2. Use the completed levels to unlock level islands
  3. Make a video showing off how to use this
  4. Some touch ups to the main menu
  5. Language-ify all remaining buttons/labels
  6. Pay for a translation pass of all text I need
  7. Implement blinking / eye expressions
  8. Implement some way of choosing+saving your current body style
  9. Implement a way of winning body styles as a reward